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Hotheaded Council Member Basically Says You Have No Chance In Hell

Things got heated in Chester County Council's special meeting on 1/13/2023. The discussion was centered around giving County Administrator duties to the County Treasurer, HR Director, and County Council Chair. Chester County currently doesn't have an administrator, as the county voted to have one hired rather than voted on.

During this discussion, Councilman Agee commented, "There's a list sent out...and none of them suited me." County Attorney, Joanie Winters, interjected with "That's a confidential document." Agee went on to say, "I'm just saying there's a list of people that I'm not comfortable with..."

Councilman Pete Wilson shook his head and retorted, "I'm sure those folks are waiting to be interviewed, and they just heard your comments, and that's incredibly inappropriate what you said."

Councilman Agee ended that discussion with this comment, "I don't care, Pete....I'm gonna say what I got to say....we as a council are responsible for bringing in an administrator for this county."

Which Team are You On?

  • 0%Team Wilson

  • 0%Team Agee


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Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford
Jan 26, 2023

These good ole boys get away with everything. They can treat me like crap for applying for a job when they don't even know state law for there own job!

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